PRINT: Syntax PROC PRINT DATA= SAS-data-set DOUBLE NOOBS UNIFORM LABEL SPLIT= 'split-character' N ROUND HEADING= direction ROWS= page-format WIDTH= column-width; VAR variable-list; ID variable-list; BY variable-list; PAGEBY BY-variable; SUMBY BY-variable; SUM variable-list;
SORT: Syntax PROC SORT DATA= SAS-data-set OUT= SAS-data-set NODUPLICATES|NODUPREC|NODUP NODUPKEY EQUALS|NOEQUALS REVERSE FORCE ASCII EBCDIC DANISH|NORWEGIAN FINNISH|SWEDISH NATIONAL SORTSEQ= collating-sequence SORTSIZE= memory-specification TAGSORT Host Options; BY <DESCENDING> variable ... ; /* required */UNIVARIATE: Syntax PROC UNIVARIATE DATA= SASdataset NOPRINT PLOT FREQ NORMAL PCTLDEF= value VARDEF= DF|WEIGHT|WGT|N|WDF ROUND= roundoff unit...; VAR variables; BY variables; FREQ variable; WEIGHT variable; ID variables; OUTPUT OUT= SASdataset keyword= names...; MEANS: Syntax PROC MEANS <option-list> <statistic-keyword-list>; VAR variable-list; BY variable-list; CLASS variable-list; FREQ variable; WEIGHT variable; ID variable-list; OUTPUT <OUT= SAS-data-set> <output-statistic-list> <MINID|MAXID <(var-1<(id-list-1)> <...var-n<(id-list-n)>>)>=name-list>;
Proc Freq: Syntax ;
The FREQ Procedure produces one-way to n-way frequency
PROC FREQ < Options > ;
TABLES Requests < / Options > ;
BY Variables ;
WEIGHT Variable < / Options> ;
TEST Options ;
EXACT Statistic-Options < / computation-options > ;
OUTPUT < OUT=SAS-data-set > Options ;
Proc Freq Data = Events;
Tables TRT*AE / Chisq;
Weight CNT;
Output Out=Chs_sta Chisq;
Proc SUMMARY and Proc MEANS are essentially the same procedure. Both procedures compute descriptive statistics.
The main difference concerns the default type of output they produce.
Proc MEANS by default produces printed output in the LISTING window or other open destination whereas Proc SUMMARY does not.
Inclusion of the print option on the Proc SUMMARY statement will output results to the output window.
proc means data =;
proc summary data = print;
PROC SUMMARY <option>;
VAR variable(s)</options>;
BY variable;
CLASS variable(s) </ option(s)>;
FREQ variable;
ID variable(s);
OUTPUT <OUT=SAS-data-set><output-statistic-specification(s)>
<id-group-specification(s)> <maximum-id-specification(s)>
<minimum-id-specification(s)></ option(s)> ;
TYPES request(s);
WAYS list;
WEIGHT variable;
BY-Calculate separate statistics for each BY group
CLASS-Identify variables whose values define subgroups for the analysis
FREQ-Identify a variable whose values represent the frequency of each observation
ID-Include additional identification variables in the output data set
OUTPUT-Create an output data set that contains specified statistics and identification variables
TYPES-Identify specific combinations of class variables to use to subdivide the data
VAR-Identify the analysis variables and their order in the results
WAYS-Specify the number of ways to make unique combinations of class variables
WEIGHT-Identify a variable whose values weight each observation in the statistical calculations.
Proc Tabulate<options>;
Class variable list;
Var analysis variable list;
By variable list;
Table table-specifications/<table options>;
Classlev variable<s>/<options>;
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